Friday, September 15, 2006

Busy and loving it

Hi, everyone! Again, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting as frequently, but these little guys are keeping me pretty busy! Both boys are doing so well! They are more and more alert and really starting to look around and look for me when they hear my voice. Ross has been having a little trouble with his feedings, so we went to the pediatrician and found out that he has reflux! He is now taking Zantac and should be just fine. Apparently, relux is pretty common in preemies and nothing to worry about. He should outgrow it in a year or so. While we were at the doctor's, both boys got weighed. I almost fell over when I saw the weights: Ross is now 7lbs and Riley is now 8 lbs 11oz!!! They are growing so fast! They are 8 weeks old today and have done so amazingly well! I am so grateful! Next week, they have their two month check up and have to get a few shots. Yikes!! I will post some new pics as soon as I can, but it will probably be a few days. Thanks so much for all of your emails and calls!


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