Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Holding my breath....

It's been an exciting morning here so far! First of all, last night both boys had another weight gain. Ross is now 3lbs 6.9oz and continues to love to eat! The doctors increased the amount he is eating at each feeding and he is thrilled! Riley had a tremendous weight gain of 4oz in one day and now weighs 4lbs 10.4oz!! The doctors have decided that he can now eat whatever he wants at each feeding. More exciting news for Riley - he is now big enough to maintain his own body temperature and doesn't need to be in an incubator anymore! He has also been transferred to a regular bassinet. I also got some news this morning that is almost too exciting to think about. First, Riley has to finish his course of IV antibiotics (he still has six more days). Then, as long as he has no more bradys (heart rate drops), maintains his own temperature, continues to gain weight and does well with his feedings - HE CAN COME HOME!!!!! That's a lot of goals and he has to meet them all, so I am trying not to get my hopes up. We will just have to wait and see how he does.

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